Erin offers a phenomenal amount of information & delivers it with such openness. It has completely shifted the way I choose to talk with my daughter about sexuality, and empowering her to embrace all of her beauty & strength & femininity. – Santa Cruz, CA

I loved being a part of this class and look forward to it every week! It’s so empowering to be in conversation with other mothers, and to receive Erin’s knowledge, support and feedback. I’m definitely inviting other people into this next course, so we can continue the dialogue together. This is so necessary. We need each other. – San Diego, CA

Before I started this course, I had a buzzing anxiety around this monstrous topic of sexuality, wondering how I was gonna have these conversations with my daughter in a way that was responsible & conscious & better than how it was done with me. But just being in this conversation has lower my anxiety enormously. Exploring such a full range of topics (like consent, empowerment, women’s anatomy, sexual orientations, etc) has helped me feel more informed & offers me a great toolbox to choose from at any moment. It’s offered me a grounded spaciousness in my response to whatever my daughter may bring to me.    – Marin, CA

This course brought the great awareness that I’ll be having ongoing conversations with my daughter on this topic for well over a decade. So I don’t have to get the conversation right in just one sitting (phew!). There’s room for mistakes and room to continually improve as a mother. I’ll be growing with my daughter, as she grows.  – Vancouver, Canada

The gift of this is that I’m talking to me daughter about sex now. Actually, she approached me about the topic when she knew I was taking this course. It seems as if it helped her feel safe knowing that I was making it important enough to take classes about it.   – Cambridge, MA

I told my daughter that the most important thing I learned was that whatever she chooses to do sexually needs to be something that she wants to do. I want her to feel empowered to do what is true for her. I talked to her about porn and said “What the boys are seeing may not be what you are interested in doing. And that’s OK and must be honored.” She really listened & took in what I said. I feel so grateful to have started this ongoing conversation with my daughter!       Austin, TX

I learned more than I expected to. And I feel like I’ve just scratched the surface, and I’m interested in working further with Erin. I feel this work really, really matters, and taking a class helps me stay focused on it and make it an important part of my life. – Louisville, KY